I could tell you so much about my birthday and how amazing it was and how much I am thankful for my friends and family (which I am!)! But first I want to tell you two blessings that happened =] The first may not seem big but it opened my eyes to see that God really does hear my prayers! For a while now I have been hoping and praying that I would be able to go to Mexico and see my Light-Shine girl Diana. I still didn't know if God really wanted me to go even though its my hearts desire! I also was worried because if God did want me to go but what if I didn't have enough money. So I have been praying about it a lot lately, and on my birthday I received money from some of my friends and family! And at that moment when I opened it I didn't jump up and down but in my heart I was rejoicing! I rejoicing because I knew this was God saying "Hannah, take this money and use it to see Diana, I want you to go, I am giving this to you to show you I hear your prayers and know your hearts desires!" I knew at that moment that any doubt I had about this before was gone because my God has made a way! I realized our God isn't One who sits back and watches us but He gets involved and reveals Himself to us! Amazing! My second one isn't big either but I was just as amazed! My dad got me a German/English Bible for me for my birthday, and as you can probably tell I was just out of my mind happy!!! But that night when I was reading it (in German =]]) I realized that this Holy Book from God I was reading wasn't just made for me, or my family, or town, or state, or even just for America. The Bible was made for EVERYONE! So that everyone could know God and read His word. It was made for people in Germany, in Africa, in Russia, in China and every living breathing person! I had always known the bible was for everyone but at that moment I "knew", Jesus isn't just for me, He came for every human being on this spinning planet we live on! It almost brought me to tears when I realized that not every person had a bible, or has heard of Jesus, and knows Him like I do! It made me want to go somewhere, where no one knows Him and just share with them everything I know of Jesus! Now when I read my German/English Bible I get so excited because I want to tell others of Jesus, and I know that God will put me somewhere where I will have the opportunity to share...it may not be in Germany (=]) but it will be where God wants me, and that's just fine with me =]] So remember tonight or when ever you read your bible, 1st- its words straight from God's mouth to you, He's talking to you! and 2nd- remember and pray for those who are able or who aren't able to read the bible also! Many people aren't as blessed as we are, to know God like we do!...don't take advantage of that. ---Erinnern Sie sich, wem lebten für und an warum wir hier waren! (Remember who were living for and why we are here!) Mögen Sie einen gesegneten Tag in Christ haben! (May you have a blessed day in Christ!)
Happy 16th birthday, Hannah! Goodness, seems like just yesterday you were a little toddler in my Sunday School class. I have enjoyed watching you grow into such a beautiful Godly young lady. Your love for the Lord is evident. Keep living for Him!
ReplyDeleteThat was beautiful, Hannah! I'm glad you had a good birthday! Looks like we're going to Mexico together ;)
ReplyDeleteGod is so good isn't he??? Hannah,it is so encouraging to me to see your tender heart toward the Lord. Keep writing about what you are learning. It brings so many of us joy! AND- Mexico is going to be AWESOME!!!
ReplyDeleteI am so happy for you darlin'! What JOY the LORD made your birthday for you. Mexico will be here before you know it! Love you so much....isn't HE WONDERFUL!!! Delighting in Jesus ever and always~
ReplyDeleteWhat a fabulous day for you Hannah!!! I can feel your excitement for what God showed you as I read this!! Isn't it amazing how much He loves you to show you these things and grow your heart!! So happy for you....God is preparing you for some "Crazy Love" kind of things!!