Thursday, January 13, 2011

Calming the storm

This morning I read Mark 4. In the end of the chapter (4:35-41) he tells the story of when Jesus calms the storm. Yes a very common and often used bible verse. But as I was reading through this chapter, this one stood out.
How often do we go through storms in our lives and feel like there will never be calmness again? I know I have those times!
In those storms we often feel insecure, helpless, drained, lonely, and pretty much every other emotion that tries to swarm us.
But by reading this text (which I encourage you to do =]]), Jesus says amidst all this "peace, be still!". Isn't that quite the opposite of what we want to do? Cover your self with peace, and just be still and wait for God! Wow, I don't know about you, but these two things are not something that comes naturally for me.
God knows that, He knows that it doesn't come easy, but He tells us to do it anyway.
Peace, be still.
Maybe this means not going to the college you want, or taking the job you think you need, or marrying a guy you know isn't the God chosen one. It's different for all of us, but one thing is true.
God is love. And when these storms start brewing and you know your in for a deep one. Run to Him! He has His arms wide open for you, waiting for you to just give Him your all, and let Him do the steering during the storm!
So I encourage you all that if your in a storm, let God be the one to steer you. If you know there's one coming, prepare yourself and be ready for whatever is coming. If your just coming out of a storm, praise God, it's a time of celebration! And even in those times when your out of a storm, you can try to take the steering wheel from Him. So just step back, grab your bible, and let God take it from there.
Peace, be still!

Ps...if your a music person, try listening to the song "praise You in the storm" by Casting Crowns! One of my favorites =]]]

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas Celebration

Well hello again =]
Excuse my absence of writing these past few months. Business may be an excuse, but sad to say mine was just laziness. So forgive me for not blogging. I have quite a bit to catch up on!

Christmas always gets me thinking. Thinking about family and friends, gifts that we give and receive, childhood memories, and most of all love. Many people don't realize the true reason for Chritmas, and why it's a 'Merry' day.
Yes Christmas is a time of giving gifts, decorating everything, and spending these special few weeks with family. But it over all a time of celebration! Celebration that a prefect God would send his one and only son, to save us from our selfishness!
I as well as most people love to get into the 'the Christmas spirit'. But is that 'Christmas spirit' about the joy that has come because of a little baby, or is that 'Christmas spirit' there because were excited to get and receive presents, or eat food, or spend time with family. Don't get me wrong, all this is, very good! But is this all Christmas is about?
If this was all Christmas was about then this could be any other day. We celebrate Christmas because it is the day a Savior has come to rescue us! So yea, get into the 'Christmas spirit', but just keep in mind what Christmas is and why we celebrate it!

I hope you all had a very blessed Christmas and New Years!
Love, Hannah