Thursday, April 28, 2011


Today I was sweeping my kitchen. It's not one of my favorite things to do but I did it to please my mom. While I was sweeping I gathered the dirt in small piles and then eventually in a big one. I started to think about how sin is a lot like dirt. Weird huh? I thought so too. But if you think about, it's true. When we have sin in our lives we try to cover it up or even spread it around a little. Just like how dirt spreads and gathers on a floor over time. We either try to hide our sin from others (and even God sometimes) or we try to explain to people how its ok and that it won't hurt anybody to do it.
Yet when we finally turn to our Savior to help us "clean up our lives" we see how much sin (dirt) we've collected and that no matter how hard we try to cover it up, it's still there.
Our Savior is so gracious that He doesn't just wipe the dirt away, He makes us clean again, completely clean. Its like on a spring morning when clean your floors, you don't just sweep your floor, you mop it and wax it and make it look beautiful. For me, thats how I feel God sees us when He cleans us up. New and fresh and ready to serve Him again.
So next time you sweep, look at your little dirt piles and think of the sin in your own life that maybe you are trying to hide or cover up. Instead of trying to just sweep it away or leave it, let Christ clean you up and make you completely clean and new again. Praying for you all!
Love in Christ, Hannah